Forums - SNPE1.47 UDO aip runtime error(Softmax)

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SNPE1.47 UDO aip runtime error(Softmax)
Join Date: 5 Apr 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2021-05-08 01:36

I'm trying to run Inception_v3 model with softmax example on SA8155P and I followed UDO Tutorial step by step.

it's fine to run Udo with SA8155P cpu , but got error message with aip runtime.

npu_get_property status: 0
get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property
NPU User Driver: npu_read_info 0
npu_get_property status: 0
get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property
npu_get_property status: 0
get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property
npu_get_property status: 0
NPU driver built on: Nov 12 2020 15:27:15
npu_get_property status: 0
get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property
compression enabled
NET size 24092672 off 0 id=ffffffff
INTERMEDIATE size 2822144 off 0 id=fffffffe
ACO buffer size 161944 fd 15 off 0
* NPU_Stats: npu_compile_get_objs(): 158.73 ms
npu_load_network_v2():Warning fw does not support network priority
npu_load_network_v2(): ACO VA fc5c0000 Network VA = 0xfca00000 Intermediate 0 VA = 0xfc600000
npu_load_network_v2: perf mode = 5 priority=3f flags = 0x0 num layers = 109
* NPU_Stats: npu_load_network_v2: NPU + kernel : 34.15 ms
npu_load_network_v2: network handle = 0x10001
* NPU_Stats: npu_load_network(): 246.93 ms
* NPU_Stats: npu_alloc_buffer_v2(): 0.22 ms sts=0
* NPU_Stats: npu_alloc_buffer_v2(): 0.09 ms sts=0
* NPU_Stats: npu_free_buffer_v2(): 0.00 ms
* NPU_Stats: npu_free_buffer_v2(): 0.00 ms
* NPU_Stats: npu_unload_network(): NPU + kernel : 8.92 ms
free delayed buffer fff7e000
free delayed buffer fc500000
* NPU_Stats: npu_unload_network(): 12.50 ms
error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. Failed to load network. UDO DSP implementation library failed to load.  Error code: -18.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=501; thread_id=486869908816; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=263; thread_id=487062380240
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