Forums - Failure of SNPE dlc conversion of faster rcnn tensorflow model

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Failure of SNPE dlc conversion of faster rcnn tensorflow model
Join Date: 7 Feb 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-23 10:11



Python 3.6

tensorflow 1.5

faster rcnn tensorflow models:



I tried to convert both models but they all failed with the error below:

    Building Network
2021-03-23 10:08:51,275 - 172 - ERROR - Conversion FAILED: Cannot find bboxes or scores
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 49, in main
    ir_graph = converter.convert()
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 326, in convert
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 359, in _convert_layers
    descriptors = self._resolve_descriptors_from_nodes(graph_ops)
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 497, in _resolve_descriptors_from_nodes
    resolved_descriptors = resolver.resolve_layer(graph_matcher, self._graph_helper)
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 218, in resolve_layer
    self._resolve_for_gather_layer(graph_matcher, graph_helper, nms_descriptor)
  File "/home/hhwu/project/snpe-", line 172, in _resolve_for_gather_layer
    raise ConverterError('Cannot find bboxes or scores')
qti.aisw.converters.tensorflow.util.ConverterError: Cannot find bboxes or scores
Have you guys tried to convert faster rcnn before?
Would you like to share how to do it? Thanks.
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