Forums - Regarding 16bit Fixed Point mode on DSP

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Regarding 16bit Fixed Point mode on DSP
Join Date: 21 Dec 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2021-03-07 21:10


Because of quantization noise, the w8a8 (fixed point, weight 8 / activation 8) is not suitable for an image to image regression.

So I want to use fixed point of w8a16 or w16a16.

I succeeded in quantizing w8a16 according to the guide below.

However, in the implementation process, I found that there is only DSP_FIXED8_TF option for DSP in Runtime_t enum class


How can I implement w8a16?


In addition, I got the following information in the quantization process.

[INFO] Setting activation for layer: input_image:0 and buffer: input_image:0

[INFO] bw: 16, min: -0.065696, max: 0.999997, delta: 0.000016, offset: -4040.000000

Do I need to convert input data to 16bit to use it? (The input of the current model is Float32.)
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