Forums - Any way to force CPU target in AIP?

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Any way to force CPU target in AIP?
Join Date: 7 Oct 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2021-03-04 12:16


I am working with a model for which we want to benchmark ( 2 distinct setups: 1) AIP with 8 bit quantisation and 2) AIP with A16W8. 

Unfortunately our model has a couple of layers that cannot run in HTA, thus we use enable_hta and hta_partitions to remove these layers. The quantize step is as follows:

1) AIP with 8b

./ snpe-dlc-quantize \
--input_dlc /mnt/files/model.dlc \
--input_list /mnt/files/input_data/input_files.txt \
--output_dlc /mnt/files/model_quantized.dlc \
--enable_hta \
--hta_partitions 2-28


This approach works fine for the AIP runtime.

2) AIP with A16W8

./ snpe-dlc-quantize \
--input_dlc /mnt/files/model.dlc \
--input_list /mnt/files/input_data/input_files.txt \
--output_dlc /mnt/files/model_quantized.dlc \
--enable_hta \
--hta_partitions 2-28 \
--act_bitwidth 16 --weights_bitwidth 8


Unfortunately it fails when in A16W8 mode. Furthermore there seems to be no CPU fallback, as both these models run fine on CPU.

So down to my questions:

Q1) Is there any way to tag certain layers to execute on a specific target? I.e., the HTA incompatible layers i could point to use CPU. 

Q2) Is there any way i can edit the aip.metadata files in the .dlc? Is there a format guide somewhere?


Thanks for your time!

Below is the error we get for the AIP_timing:


2021-03-04 20:07:49,287 - INFO - snpe_bench: Running on AIP_timing
2021-03-04 20:07:49,287 - INFO - snpe_bench: Run 1
2021-03-04 20:08:07,713 - ERROR - snpebm.snpebm_device: ['Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'NPU User Driver: npu_read_info 0', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'NPU driver built on: Nov 12 2020 15:26:59', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'get_resp_queue_size(): warning kernel does not support this property', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000', 'Metadata version: 2.8.0', 'NNC Revision: 786dd2a', 'NNC Branch: npu-nnc', 'NNC Timestamp: Fri Aug 16 14:37:15 2019', 'NNC Built On: 2019-08-16T15:28:15', 'ParseNpuMetaBufferDescriptor layer: [0] -> LAYER_TYPE_PARAM_IN_BUF[0] - [0x00020000 - 86400]', 'ParseNpuMetaBufferDescriptor layer: [14] -> LAYER_TYPE_PARAM_OUT_BUF[0] - [0x001c1000 - 921600]', 'npu_load_network(): perf mode = 5 flags = 0x200000', '* NPU_Stats: npu_load_network(): NPU + kernel : 162.37 ms', 'npu_load_network(): network handle = 0x10001', '* NPU_Stats: npu_load_network(): 170.06 ms', '* NPU_Stats: npu_alloc_buffer_v2(): 0.40 ms sts=0', '* NPU_Stats: npu_unload_network(): NPU + kernel : 155.55 ms', '* NPU_Stats: npu_unload_network(): 180.45 ms', 'error_code=1410; error_message=AIP runtime system error. error_code=1410; error_message=AIP runtime system error. Unsupported quantize type NPU_QUANTIZE_TYPE_NONE. Error code: -1005; error_component=AIP Runtime; line_no=1098; thread_id=-348186256; error_component=AIP Runtime; line_no=263; thread_id=-310352748']
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