Forums - snpe-net-run input as tensor data type

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snpe-net-run input as tensor data type
Join Date: 28 Oct 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2020-02-03 05:03


I am trying to use a pytorch model on SNPE. I converted pytorch to ONNX and then to DLC. I need to validate my model on DLC format, I used snpe-net-run with tensor data as input. But I am getting following error:


size of input file should be divisible by sizeof(dtype)

Error: invaild input size provided. please check all raw sizes.

I converted ONNX to DLC using following command:


snpe-onnx-to-dlc --nput_network ffn.onnx --output_path ff.dlc --input_type "data1" opaque

Please help to solve this issue?

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