Forums - SNPE layer result differs from Caffe

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SNPE layer result differs from Caffe
Join Date: 30 Oct 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2019-12-13 01:02

Hi, we tried to convert my yolo model in Caffe to SNPE .dlc format, but the detected result of snpe-net-run differs from Caffe.

After comparing the content of output blobs layer by layer, we found that the values of blobs in Caffe is much different than the values in SNPE raws, like the following lines show:


0.166419, 0.353855, 0.259868, -0.00837315, 0.0618546, 0.189492, 0.331928, 0.222461, -0.00760583, 0.168512, -0.01874, 0.268786, -0.0151402, -0.0168335, -0.0183233, -0.0082437, 0.475286, -0.0163373, 0.374129, 0.162991, -0.00877254, -0.0190281, -0.00616147, 0.0578361, 0.169226, -0.0233263, 0.029227, 0.0864312, -0.0143786, 0.364676, -0.0369625, -0.00537441, 0.335934, 0.0480809, 0.225758, 0.24042, 0.319564, 0.0982721, 0.101806, 0.0100179, -0.0129903, -0.0245575, 0.181916, -0.0032677, 0.396037, 0.216522, 0.316972, -0.0259845, 0.121155, -0.00881612, 0.358911, -0.0348554, 



0.138558, 0.185665, 0.117175, 0, 0, 0.104907, 0.147723, 0, 0, 0.0336947, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0367748, 0.159934, 0, 0.176907, 0.0773826, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0871876, 0, 0, 0.0189385, 0, 0.0782413, 0, 0, 0.185346, 0.0427449, 0.0911018, 0.125632, 0.196581, 0.0515136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00745963, 0, 0.156041, 0.136722, 0.0579869, 0, 0, 0, 0.0224989, 0, 

The conversion command I used is "snpe-caffe-to-dlc", and the execution command is "snpe-net-run --debug".

We want to ask:

  1. What reason may cause the difference between Caffe and SNPE ?
  2. Is there any method to assist the converted model keeps the same or smiliar output blob values ?
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