Forums - Why ssd-mobilenet has only one output node?

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Why ssd-mobilenet has only one output node?
Join Date: 7 Nov 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2019-11-21 22:03


   I invoke ssd-mobilenet model in my own android project,the model has been convert to dlc by the following script:

snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc \
 --input_network /tensorflow/backup/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
 --input_dim Preprocessor/sub 1,300,300,3 \
 --out_node detection_classes \
 --out_node detection_boxes \
 --out_node detection_scores \
 --output_path /tensorflow/mobilenet_ssd.dlc \
and I load the model by these codes:
SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder builder = null;
    try {
      File modelDir = mApplication.getApplicationContext().getExternalFilesDir("models");
      File file = new File(modelDir, modelName);

      builder = new SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder(mApplication)
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
      Log.e("SNPE", e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    NeuralNetwork mNeuralNetwork =;

    final String inputLayer = mNeuralNetwork.getInputTensorsNames().iterator().next();
final FloatTensor tensor = mNeuralNetwork.createFloatTensor(
float[] input = loadRgbBitmapAsFloat(bitmap);
final Map<String, FloatTensor> inputs = new HashMap<>();
tensor.write(input, 0, input.length);
inputs.put(inputLayer, tensor);


It really works.However,I found that the result after execute has only one node:detection_classes:0,no detection_boxes and detection_scores.

I wonder why and how should I get the correct result? Thanks

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