Forums - Convert multi batch model failed while using the enable_hta option

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Convert multi batch model failed while using the enable_hta option
Join Date: 6 Apr 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2019-04-06 23:29

Hi, when I converted the resnet34 in multi batch and enabled the hta option, the model converted fail.

The error info for detail is following:

[INFO] Compiling HTA metadata into DLC.
createIrNode failed! result = 12
Failed to create conv1.bn_conv1.scale_conv1
Failed in parser
[INFO] Creating new HTA record: hta.metadata0
[INFO] Record Version::
[INFO] Compiler Version::
[INFO] Driver Version::
[WARNING] No manual partitions specified. Resorting to automatic partitioning.
[INFO] HTA Subnet 1: <0, 88>
[ERROR] Failed to generate HTA blob for subnet 0; error = 8
[ERROR] Failed to process subnets to produce HTA metadata.
[ERROR] Couldn't compile HTA metadata into DLC.
[INFO] DebugLog shutting down.
Does anyone know what's wrong ?
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