Forums - Optimized Ops/kernel and intra/inter layer multithreading

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Optimized Ops/kernel and intra/inter layer multithreading
Join Date: 20 Mar 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-14 01:27


I benchmarked mobilenet network using Qualcomm SNPE , ARM-NN , and TF-Lite . Results of Arm-NN and TF-lite is comparable but SNPE results are so bad (approx 7x more than Arm-NN/TF-Lite in terms of Latency).

So, I have some questions:

1. Is SNPE supports inter/intra layer multithreading.

2. If yes then Is't tunable and  how to enable it ?

3. Is SNPE supports Optimized Ops/kernels (Neon) for operator implementations.

4. One document shared by Qualcomm , says that using SNPE, we can able to achieve 27x  gain , so on what metrices , they are comparing. (


Thanks and Regards

Amar kumar


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