Forums - Official support for Ubuntu 18, Python 3

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Official support for Ubuntu 18, Python 3
Join Date: 2 Aug 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2018-09-19 08:11

Hi all.

According to the SNPE Setup page, the "development environment is limited to Ubuntu, specifically version 14.04" and we must use "Python 2.7".

Now, I don't want to sound pushy, but we only got seven months left until the end of life of Ubuntu 14 and Caffe's Ubuntu prebuilt libraries are Python3 only.

Ubuntu images available at the Windows Store for the Windows Subsystem for Linux also come with Python3 preinstalled and no Python2 (Windows is important to me because CAD).

I am currently running the Engine on Ubuntu 16 without any major problems but it would be nice to know that there is work being done to this SDK in order to upgrade its dependencies. This is important to ensure devs (myself included) stick to the SDK in the long term.

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