Forums - Cannot open Chromatix

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Cannot open Chromatix
Join Date: 21 Sep 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2023-06-21 20:49

Hi All,

I have installed the chromatix, however when I open it, error happened:

Status, initializing Chromatix...

Lime Return code from InitializeLime is: LIME_CLIENT_SUCCESS
Lime Return code from CheckLicense is: LIME_CLIENT_SUCCESS
InitializeChipsetClient Return code is: LIME_CLIENT_SUCCESS
Chipset Licenses String is not null
chipsetLicense_String.Count == 0
Error occured in CheckChipsetLicense:   ChipsetLicense Count: 0
Status, finished checking license: elapsed time 0.01(s)

Error:   If error is not able to load .DLL, please download Microsoft Visual Studio VC++ Redistributable 2013 x64 and x86

How to solve this issue?




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