Forums - Native access to Camera on Smart Phone platforms

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Native access to Camera on Smart Phone platforms
Join Date: 15 May 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-05-16 09:57


We use a couple of Qualcomm smart phone platforms. The older one is based on SDM450 and the newer one is a 600 series (don't exactly remember which). We want to be able to access camera natively on Android environment so that we can implement selected machine vision use cases. I have so far tried to get FFMPEG and Gstreamer but, both fail to access camera.  Essentially we want to be able access the two cameras from a C++ application by linking to ffmpeg or gstreamer APIs. What is the recommended method of accomplishing this?

I came across this Qualcomm link which talks of custom gstreamer plugins which will allow camera access, but, it is for RB5 platform, not for smart phone platform:

Can you comment if these custom gstreamer plugins are available for download and are supported on smart phone platforms?

Thanks & regards,


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