Forums - Tracing LTE root service error with error ID 10000

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Tracing LTE root service error with error ID 10000
Join Date: 24 Jun 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2024-07-02 02:42

Our team is trying to get a device with MSDC 4 to work, but get stuck with an error where LTE root service sends an error with id 10000.

We are now speculating on two issues:

  1. Whether the configuration files are succesfully processed by MSDC, and
  2. What does it mean for MSP to be not initialized.

Maybe asking (2) first could be helpful. In particular,

(a) Is processing the configurations, i.e., config_params.xml and provisioning_params.xml, are part of the MSP initialisation process? In other words, would an unsuccessful processing of configurations cause 'MSP is not initialized' seen in the log?

We are now assuming the positive, that an unsuccessful configuration process is to be blamed. And it leads us to pay attention to the following observation. We note that the configuration xmls are only partially printed in the log. For example, this is the end of the logging of provisioning_params.xml. Note that the file is truncated after '<BootstrapOn'.

(b) Is this truncation normal behavior in the log?

07-02 12:28:55.125  7965  8036 V LTE_CONFIG: <OEMParamsExtension2>
07-02 12:28:55.125  7965  8036 V LTE_CONFIG: <BootstrapOn
07-02 12:28:55.127  6650  6650 E TmsIBinderAgent: can't getService ibinder!
07-02 12:28:55.127  6650  6650 E SM      : getDevAuthService return null!
07-02 12:28:55.133  7965  8036 D LTE_CONFIG: md5Check: 7f4d4cc65c5db9f27d591d0b953f8b32

We may be able to get closer to the real cause of the problem if we know the answers to (a) and (b).


FWIW, the last bits of the log up to the error is as follows.

07-02 12:29:29.726  7965  9309 I  Ltebc  :  ConfigurationManager () load file from internal directory failed
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() 
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 I Ltebc   :  ConfigurationManager : getProperties() 
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : preemption_priority is available in config file () : 5
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() sPreemptionPriority :5
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() sEarFcnList :5230
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : enable_embms_sim is available in config file () : false
07-02 12:29:29.727  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() enableEmbmsSim :false
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : shutdowntimer is available in config file () : 0
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application:  shutDownTimer : 0.0
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : provisioning_timeout_ms is available in config file () : 2592000000
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 I LTE Application:  mProvisioningTMO : 2592000000
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : enable_unicast_in_roaming is available in config file () 
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() enableUnicastInRoaming :false
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : default_plmn is not available in config file () 
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : roaming_check_periodicity_ms is available in config file () 
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() roaming_check_periodicity_ms :5000
07-02 12:29:29.728  7965  9309 E LTE Application: Ltebc : embms_get_e911_state_retry_attempts is available in config file () 
07-02 12:29:29.731  7965  9309 I LTE Application: Ltebc : loadConfigData() EMBMS_GET_E911_STATE_RETRY_ATTEMPTS :600
07-02 12:29:29.731  7965  9309 E LTE Application: provisioningTimerTask: mProvisioningTMO = 2592000000
07-02 12:29:29.732  6650  6650 W IDevice : getSystemProperty fail null
07-02 12:29:29.732  7965  9309 I LTE Embms Link: connectToEmbms
07-02 12:29:29.733  7965  9309 I LTE Embms Link: Already connected (or connecting) to EMBMS Service
07-02 12:29:29.733  7965  9309 I LTE Application: handleInitConfigandConnectEmbmsServiceTask : doInBackground
07-02 12:29:29.736  7965  7981 I LTE-Network Service:: register ILTENetworkService callbacks app instance id: ...
07-02 12:29:29.736  7965  7981 I LTE-Network Service:: register : MSP is not initialized, sleeping for 100 ms
07-02 12:29:29.736  7965  9307 I LTE Root Service: errorNotification callbackMap size : 1
07-02 12:29:29.736  7965  9307 I LTE Root Service: errorNotification appId : ...
07-02 12:29:29.737  7965  9307 I LTE Root Service: Invoking errorNotification() callback for ...
07-02 12:29:29.737  7965  9307 I ServiceError: createJSONString
07-02 12:29:29.738  7965  9307 I ServiceError: createJsonBody()
07-02 12:29:29.738  7965  9307 I LTE Root Service: JSON : {"message":{"appInstanceId":"...","body":{"serviceHandle":0,"errorId":10000,"errorMsg":""}}}
07-02 12:29:29.738  7965  9307 I LTE Root Service:   calling MSDC API errorNotification  


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