Forums - QCS605 Linux-android UVC1.5 uvc-gadget test application

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QCS605 Linux-android UVC1.5 uvc-gadget test application
Join Date: 6 Aug 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2019-11-20 04:26

Hi all

We are using QCS605 LE SDK, with linux kernel verson 4.9.160.

Need to validate the uvc 1.5 gadget h264 streaming support on the platform. The driver supporting the h264 over uvc 1.5 is available part of the kernel.

Would like to know which is the compatible userspace test application to provide the input h264 bytestream and test uvc on host PC

Tried with mainline uvc-gadget application, but it doesnt seems to be compatible.







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