Forums - HW H264 encoding on Snapdragon Flight

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HW H264 encoding on Snapdragon Flight
Join Date: 24 Mar 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2016-03-24 07:03


I am developing on a Snapdragon Flight dev kit and want to create a H264 encoded stream of the 4K camera, preferably using GStreamer.

This is very slow if done in software and i therefore need HW acceleration, which the Snapdragon apparently supports with the OpenMAX IL. However, I am not able to find any documentation on it.

It appears that the board has some omx libraries installed:


There do not seem to be any header files, though. Where can I get the header files needed to compile an application that uses these libraries?

Are there any (non-android) examples for H264 encoding?


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