Forums - APQ8994 OpenMax IL PDF wanted

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APQ8994 OpenMax IL PDF wanted
Join Date: 22 Jul 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2016-03-17 22:20

Hi .

We have 810(8994) Soc chip in our product, and we use venus hardware to achive FullHD(1080p) and 4K  Hevc video encoder.

It seems that Qcom has a Openmax IL layer to control hardware encoder and decoder , So where can we get the Qcom OpenMax iL  PDF document(not the Khronos Group official version in which  a lot of QCOM spec features is not included )?

We have repo the whole android source from qcom and get vender HAL lib. We need more extend spec doc about the (8994 platform)encoder and decoder 



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