Forums - Using a different NDK?

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Using a different NDK?
Join Date: 27 Nov 17
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2019-03-25 11:47

I've downloaded Hexagon SDK 3.4.2 for Linux (also tried 3.4.3 but its still using NDK r14b) and modified the calculator example to prototype some of my own code.

In attempting to link another static library with some other code I use, I get link errors unable to find stdout and stderr. After some research I notice Hexagon SDK by default uses NDK r14 and Android API 21 (I think from memory but correct me if I'm wrong). My library is built with NDK r19b and using Android API 28.

I have tried setting ANDROID_ROOT_DIR to use either NDK r19b or NDK r17 and ANDROID_PLATFORM_DIR (for Android API 28) but the NDK r19b is very different directory structure and file names than what Hexagon SDK is expecting (clang compiler is now named differently); meanwhile r17 that is downloadable from Google does not have system headers that Hexagon SDK is looking for either (no stdint.h to be picked up by the #include_next somewher in the Hexagon SDK?).

Is it possible to use an NDK more recent than r14b and if so which and how to configure the build environment for the NDK not provided as part of the Hexagon SDK?

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