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Join Date: 6 Jul 18
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2018-08-08 03:19

Hecagon SDK 3.3.3

Linux 64-bit

After installation of the SDK, I followed the guide :  <where the SDK was installed>/Hexagon_SDK/3.3.3/docs/eclipse_first_project.html

It cannot solve the basic functions as printf and cout.  I tried it with even simpler Hello World, and got the same error.

 My code:


#include <iostream>

#include "stdio.h"
using namespace std;
 int main(){
printf ("Hello\n");
cout<<"Hello 2"<<endl;


The info in Problem window:

Errors(4 items)

Function 'printf' could not be resolved

Symbol 'cout' coude not be resovled

Symbol 'endl'  coude not be resovled

Symbol 'std'  coude not be resovled.

This problem doesn't always appear.  It normal clear when I restart the SDK for the first time.  Whenever I'am editing the existing cpp file, the errors comes out.    When building the project, the compiler claims the errors but the file can sometime still run with Hexagon simulator.



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