Forums - Program in Hexagon 682 DSP

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Program in Hexagon 682 DSP
Join Date: 2 Feb 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2018-02-06 13:15

I am new to programming in Hexagon 682 DSP by C++.

I bought a HDK835 development board kit which includes a Hexagon 682 DSP. I connect the board with mini-USB to USB from the board to the PC and try to run some test on the board. I didn't find the beginner tutorial to do that. I also download the Hexagon SDK 3.3 on the Windows/Linux and the eclipse Hexagon IDE. I have the following questions:

1. Can I directly connect the board to the PC with the USB wire to program on the DSP?

2. I didn't have the monitor/cellphone with the board. Can I use the PC to show the result?

3. How can I run the C++ code in Hexagon 682 DSP?

Thank you for your patience

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