Forums - Error Loading DSP .so lib in android .apk's

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Error Loading DSP .so lib in android .apk's
Join Date: 3 Nov 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2017-11-13 00:18


For the calculator example, we used aarch64 to compile calculator_test.c and calculator_stub.c together to generate

Terminal programs like the calculator can run with the being used. However, when we used it in an arm64 apk via another .so library, (e.g. we got the following error and the program failed:

        vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:691:Error 45: fopen failed for (No such file or directory)
        vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1074: Error 4b: adsp current process handle failed. domain 0
We also tested the the native library ( in terminal programs we built, the program can run correctly. 
So we were wondering how can we use a DSP library in a apk application? Thanks!
The platform we used is the Qualcomm 835 Dev Kit from Intrinsycs, and the Android version is 7.0.
Darren Wang
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