Forums - MAXIM9296 deserialize on ADP Video Daughter Card MP25-PM731-P1 Compatibility

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MAXIM9296 deserialize on ADP Video Daughter Card MP25-PM731-P1 Compatibility
Join Date: 3 Mar 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2020-05-28 22:44


We have camera with DS90UB913Q serializer, which we want to work on SA6155P hardware which apparently have MAXIM9296 deserialize. Would like to know

1. Whether our camera with DS90UB913Q serializer is campatible with MAXIM9296 deserializer

2. If not, is there any referernce on how can we make it compatible/the kind of low-level configuration changes to be made. where can we find the the camera configuraton code in SDK/BSP



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