Forums - How to integrate stub.c, skel.c and hexagon binaries in android application

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How to integrate stub.c, skel.c and hexagon binaries in android application
Join Date: 13 Mar 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2019-05-03 08:18


I want to off load the guided filter which is running on Snapdragon 845 CPU to Hexagon and i successfully created Hexagon app project and Hexagon lib project to run the Guided filter.

Build cmd for hexagon lib is:  make V=hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv83_v65 VERBOSE=1

binaries generated : & pushed to /vendor/lib64/ 

build cmd for app is : make tree V=android_Debug CDSP_FLAG=1

binaries generated: Guided_filter pushed to /vendor/bin/  succesfully able to execute Guided_filter on 845 device.

Now I would like to integrate the same in the Android Application apk

I included Guided_filter_stub.c in the android application and linked in the cmakelists able to compile and in debug i'm getting error in getting remote_handle from libcdsprpc 

int nErr = _Guided_filter_pls_ctor("Guided_filter", (void*)&tmp); below mentioned code of Guided_filter_stub.c

__QAIC_STUB_EXPORT remote_handle _Guided_filter_handle(void) {

   static remote_handle handle = _const_Guided_filter_handle;
   if((remote_handle)-1 != handle) {
      return handle;
   } else {
      remote_handle tmp;
      int nErr = _Guided_filter_pls_ctor("Guided_filter", (void*)&tmp);
      if(nErr) {
         return (remote_handle)-1;
      if(((remote_handle)-1 != handle) || ((remote_handle)-1 != (remote_handle)_Guided_filter_atomic_CompareAndExchange((uint32_t*)&handle, (uint32_t)tmp, (uint32_t)-1))) {
      return handle;

Kindly help me if have any suggestions.

Would like to know the procedure for integrating stub.c, skel.c and hexagon binaries in android application.



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