Forums - Facing error to run calculator example on SA6155 device

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Facing error to run calculator example on SA6155 device
Join Date: 21 Apr 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-07-15 05:56
Dear Sir,
we are trying to run simple calculator example on Target SA6155 with the help of FastRPC mechanism
we have Hexagon SDK version is 3.5.1 and tool version is 8.3.07
we have followed all the instruction as mentioned in the following document
we have used following command to generate excutables for android and for hexagon dsp
make V=android_Debug_aarch64 CDSP_FLAG=1 VERBOSE=1
make tree V=hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv83_v65 VERBOSE=1
we am not reciving any error while building application (calculator).
we have pushed all executable on target as mentoined in document to a specfic folder 
and trying to run but its gives error like -sh: ./calculator: not found
whatever tool version and varient we are using whether it is compatiable with target SA6155? 
please help to run the calculator example
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