Forums - Latency of making a rpc with ion memory

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Latency of making a rpc with ion memory
Join Date: 16 Nov 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-11-16 14:19


I am using dragonboard 810. I am able to run downscaleBy2 and see around ~3x performan difference between using ion memory (rpcmem) and hlos memory (malloc). I wrote a program to measure the latency of making a dsp rpc with different input and output ion buffer sizes. The dsp procedure does nothing and returns immediately. As a result, the latency grows along with the ion buffer size. Here comes the question: the results seem strange since I am using ion, there shoud be no memory copy occurred in the adsp driver according to the fastrpc FAQ in Hexagon SDK. Besides, if the bottleneck is in cache operations, the latency should stop growing at some point as the cache size is fixed. Is there anything I miss? 

The following are the results:

 INPUT size     4 KB: latency: 162.41 us
 INPUT size     8 KB: latency: 133.72 us
 INPUT size    16 KB: latency: 137.07 us
 INPUT size    32 KB: latency: 141.83 us
 INPUT size    64 KB: latency: 151.00 us
 INPUT size   128 KB: latency: 168.49 us
 INPUT size   256 KB: latency: 202.91 us
 INPUT size   512 KB: latency: 271.18 us
 INPUT size  1024 KB: latency: 506.78 us
 INPUT size  2048 KB: latency: 782.35 us
 INPUT size  4096 KB: latency: 1336.25 us
 INPUT size  8192 KB: latency: 2431.27 us
 INPUT size 16384 KB: latency: 4601.62 us
 INPUT size 32768 KB: latency: 9008.67 us
OUTPUT size     4 KB: latency: 120.12 us
OUTPUT size     8 KB: latency: 118.86 us
OUTPUT size    16 KB: latency: 125.13 us
OUTPUT size    32 KB: latency: 127.09 us
OUTPUT size    64 KB: latency: 130.92 us
OUTPUT size   128 KB: latency: 146.01 us
OUTPUT size   256 KB: latency: 182.88 us
OUTPUT size   512 KB: latency: 265.71 us
OUTPUT size  1024 KB: latency: 394.02 us
OUTPUT size  2048 KB: latency: 478.90 us
OUTPUT size  4096 KB: latency: 732.15 us
OUTPUT size  8192 KB: latency: 1359.33 us
OUTPUT size 16384 KB: latency: 2699.10 us
OUTPUT size 32768 KB: latency: 5368.13 us
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