Forums - QCA7005 Debugging Tool

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QCA7005 Debugging Tool
Join Date: 27 Nov 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2023-11-27 15:20
We are a domain controller supplier in the EV and AV sector developing a PLC controller. This controller is using Qualcomm QCA7005 PLC chip. We are currently at the final testing phase but would appreciate some help to debug the chips firmware PIB NVM
It will be great if we could get some clarifications for the following questions
1. Is there any related development or debugging tool we can use for QCA7005s firmware PIBNVM
2. Is there any authentication or license required access QCA7005s firmware PIB NVM
3. Are there version updates for the QCA7005s firmware PIB NVM 
Some notes for our PLC controller
a. Firmware QCA7000 HomePlug Green PHY PL16
b. Current PIB QCA7005 Spi Slave Automotive pib
c. Current NVM NvmSoftloader 7005 v1.2.5 00 CS nvm
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