Forums - How can I run algorithm on specific commercial device?

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How can I run algorithm on specific commercial device?
Join Date: 17 Nov 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2018-10-16 20:03

Hi, I'm consultant of the laboratory.


I'm developing some algorithm for Nexus 6p(MSM8994) Hexagon DSP .

We need to develop it on commercial smartphone, for some reasons.


When I tried to test example, example doesn't run, so I've check forum and SDK manual,

and I noticed that I should get signature.


I tried Calculator_walkthrough.cmd example, and this one tried to /data/getserial on my device, 

But this binary didn't retrieve any serial number,  and adb shell doesn't respond forever for current Cmd.exe

Nothing is on console, or no serial on logcat.

I also gave chmod 777 on this binary.


I can check logcat when I'm running /data/getserial with root permission, But It send error like below:

05-20 01:49:05.726  4769  4769 E adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:176::error: -1: !apps_std_fopen_with_env("ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH", ";", "fastrpc_shell_0", "r", &fh)


I've tried many ways like finding "/sys/device/soc0/serial_number", but there's no such a binary named:"serial_number" on my device.

Also, I tried to push_adsp.cmd as SDK doc, but it doesn't work. kernel send ADSP initialization fail messages .  

(copy from Hexagon_SDK\2.0\images\8094\adsp_proc\obj\qdsp6v5_ReleaseG\signed\LA\system\etc\firmware,  or reloc, or non_reloc

  to /vendor/firmware/  . because there's no /etc/firmware/)

But I tried to run calculator forcely,  now it can run CPU test, but It cannot run DSP test. bring me some error.

so I rollback original ADSP image.


I also push each SDK2.0 getserial, getserial.apk,  SDK3.3 getserial, getserial.apk,   But it didn't work.


Finally, I checked, in proper directory, and run it.

But it also not respond forever whatever i press any keys... 


All test was with User binary or User-debug. 

How can I get permission and run on Nexus 6p device??? 

Please let me know.

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