Forums - What is the advantage of Qualcomm Hexagon's multi threaded microarchitecture

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What is the advantage of Qualcomm Hexagon's multi threaded microarchitecture
Join Date: 9 Aug 17
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2018-01-04 05:12

Qualcomm's Hexagon DSP uses a multi threaded 32 bit architecture, with barrel temporal multithreading. I'm trying to understand the motivation behind this architecture.

 1. Compared to a multicore DSP, there is power saving in this architecture as far as I have read. But it is mostly my inference, is this correct?
 2. What might be the advantage of such an architecture apart from power savings, compared to a multicore DSP?
 3. A single core multithreaded architecture means shared resources, if I'm not mistaken. Shared resources mean competition for the same. How is this taken care of in this architecture?

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