Forums - Versioning Issue Breaks Calculator Example

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Versioning Issue Breaks Calculator Example
Join Date: 26 Oct 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2020-10-29 10:28

Hi all,

I have just recently installed the Hexagon SDK v3.5.2, which I believe has Hexagon Tools version 8.3.07. The calculator example documenation that accompanies this build specifies command

make tree V=hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv82_v65

Issuing this command, I received errors similar to this forum post.

I get linker errors that look like this:

Error: /some/dir/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/tools/HEXAGON_Tools/8.3.07//Tools/bin/../target/hexagon/lib/v65/G0/libc++.a(.text+0x0): undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'
Which tells me I'm missing the pthread library during the linking step. However, looking at this blog post, I see that there's essentially a versioning issue with the Hexagon tools. By changing the make command to reflect the correct Hexagon tools version, i.e.,
make tree V=hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv83_v65
this fixed the linker error. Which is nice.
My question is, how did this fix the issue? I've looked at a lot of the .dep files, and the /some/dir/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/build/make.d/rules.min file to understand how this change manifests itself in the build scripts to try and understand how this fixes the issue, but I am coming up short. Can anyone shed some light on this?
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