Forums - rpcmem_alloc fails

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rpcmem_alloc fails
Join Date: 31 May 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-28 16:41

The examples in the SDK folder were working for me until I tried to use HAP_power_set() to set performance mode.

Now whenever the device is conected I got these 2 errors constantly.

E/adsprpc: remote.c:73:rpcmem alloc stubbed routine - Return failure

E/adsprpc: remote.c:63:Invoking stubbed routine - Return failure

The first error happens when rpcmem_alloc() is called and the returned error code is 0x1.

I tried rebooting/resetting the device and reinstalling the SDK but none of them works. It's also not the problem mentioned in the documentation. I analyzed the apk and it doesn't contain the shared object. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

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