Forums - Hexagon sdk halide examples related UBWCDMA not working

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Hexagon sdk halide examples related UBWCDMA not working
Join Date: 19 Sep 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2021-06-16 04:20


I was trying to run ..\3.5.2\tools\HALIDE_Tools\2.2.03\Halide\Examples\ubwcdma\standalone\device\apps\dma_raw_rw example to explore funcitonality of ubwcdma of hexagon. I want to run this on a 8150 target which is already signed. I am able to build this project using test-dma_raw_rw.cmd. But while running the code, it crashes in halide pipeline. Below is the minidm log I am getting . I am facing same issue with dma_raw_blur_rw example too.

halide_hexagon_dma_power_mode_voting 0    0114  dsp\dma_raw_rw_run.cpp
[08500/02]  15:55.387  1f0d1:0b: CDSP: halide_print C:\bots\prod-worker\halide-22-win\src\halide\src\runtime\hexagon_dma_pool.cpp:63 Assert failed: hexagon_dma_pool->dma_engine_list[j].engine_addr    0010  dsp\print.cpp
[08500/03]  15:55.387  1f0d1:0b: CDSP: abort  0002  stderr
[08500/03]  15:55.387  1f0d1:0b: CDSP:  -- terminating   0002  stderr
[08522/02]  15:55.390  CDSP: in sysmon_hvxthrottle_call_process: 3, 0, 0
Let me know if anyone has any knowledge regarding same.
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