Forums - Issues found calling DSP for running demo

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Issues found calling DSP for running demo
Join Date: 5 Feb 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-02-05 16:19

Hi guys,

I am installed Hexagon SDK successfully, but it seems that everytime I want to run some examples I met problem as "Signature fail", and the DSP  handle broke after the signature check.

I tested many examples, like down_scaling, calculator, gaussin, and even Fastcv, but always fail because of sign verify.

Test phone: (rooted) Oppo reno 10x, Google Pixel 4

Those phones are "855" snapdragon, which means that I should not need to sign for DSP application.  But I still follow the instructions to sign "testsig".

For example, the error message for fastcv is as follow:

 Begin of fcvQ6SessionInit_internal dsp_handle=0 22620 vendor/qcom/proprietary/cv noship/fastcv/src/qdsp_rpc/multi_domains/qcvaq6rpc_clnt_abstractionLayer.c

Error 1d: verify local handle failed.

Error 1d: get domain from handle failed.



Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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