Forums - Calculator Example not giving output on DSP

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Calculator Example not giving output on DSP
Join Date: 18 Dec 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2019-12-24 03:57


I have installed hexagon_SDK 3.4.3 on my windows system. I am running calculator example on Samsung S10+ (chip SM8150). I am successfully able to build through python file But on executing while computing on DSP it is not giving any output neither Failed or sucess. 

- starting calculator test
- allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum on the DSP
then nothing happens

These are the logs

I/./calculator(12324): fastrpc_apps_user_init done
I/./calculator(12324): Successfully opened fastrpc_shell_3
I/./calculator(12324): Successfully created user PD on domain 3 (attrs 0x1, debug_trace 0x1)
I/./calculator(12324): fastrpc_perf_init: enabled RPC traces (kernel 0, dsp 0) with frequency 1000
E/./calculator(12324): Error 0x80000414: remote_handle64_invoke failed for handle 0xe6000030, method 4 on domain 3 (sc 0x4010100)
I/./calculator(12324): Successfully opened file /vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp/
E/./calculator(12324): vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:175:adspmsgd not supported. nErr=80000414
E/./calculator(12324): vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:179:Found calculator.farf. adspmsgd enabled 
E/./calculator(12324): vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:207::error: 14: AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process1_set_logging_params(handle,mask,NULL,0))
E/adsprpc (12324): memheap.c:1793:0x10ea:12: CDSP: xyz: init_block_header()

Has anyone come accross this scenario?




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