Forums - GetCurrentHWThreadNum() simulation API not working

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GetCurrentHWThreadNum() simulation API not working
Join Date: 19 Apr 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2019-06-28 01:58
I have implemented cosim.dll. 
I used AddMemWasReadCallback() to add some callback to monitor specific address. 
When my callback hit I wanted to use the ReadThreadRegister() to get the program counter (TH_REG_PC). 
The ReadThreadRegister() needs a thread ID. 
To do so I have used the GetCurrentHWThreadNum() to extract the thread ID. 
Unfortunately the function always returns 0 as the thread ID 
even though I know for sure that the thread ID is 1. 
I thought it was Windows issue so I have ported the code to Linux 
just to see that I'm getting the same wrong results.


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