Forums - Remote handle invoke failed

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Remote handle invoke failed
Join Date: 4 Jun 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-06-27 10:02

I'm trying to port code which is using some subset of OpenCV library to DSP. After small changes to OpenCV sources I was able to successfully compile the code by using Hexagon CMake toolchain from examples\compute\benchmark_v65 but on runtime I'm getting the following error:

vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error ffffffff: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 3, sc 4020200, pra 0xd4429840
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/listener_android.c:246:listener protocol failure ffffffff
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error ffffffff: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 0, sc 20200, pra 0xd75e8698
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 2c: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle ffffffff, sc 10400, pra 0xd75e8830
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 27: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 3, sc 4020200, pra 0xd4429840
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/listener_android.c:253::error: 39: 0 == (nErr = __QAIC_HEADER(adsp_listener_next2)( ctx, nErr, 0, 0, &ctx, &handle, &sc, inBufs, inBufsLen, &inBufsLenReq))
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/listener_android.c:335:Error 27: listener thread exited
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1074: Error 4b: adsp current process handle failed. domain 0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 27: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 0, sc 20200, pra 0xd442a730
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 2c: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle ffffffff, sc 1000000, pra 0x0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1074: Error 4b: adsp current process handle failed. domain 0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 27: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 0, sc 20200, pra 0xd442a730
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 2c: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle ffffffff, sc 1000000, pra 0x0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1074: Error 4b: adsp current process handle failed. domain 0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 27: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 0, sc 20200, pra 0xd442a730
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 2c: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle ffffffff, sc 1000000, pra 0x0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1074: Error 4b: adsp current process handle failed. domain 0
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 27: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle 0, sc 20200, pra 0xd442a730
vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:576: Error 2c: remote handle invoke failed. domain 0, handle ffffffff, sc 1000000, pra 0x0
E/ERROR: dsp_disparity_to_depth_calculate return code: 44

Error description from AEEStdErr.h is not very helpful (AEE_EBADHANDLE 44 invalid handle) so could someone help me by answering the following questions:

  • Does anyone encountered similar error before?
  • How could I debug this error further?
  • Where can I find descriptions of those error codes returned by fastrpc_apps_user.c (2C, 4B, 27)

For development I'm using INTRINSYC 660 HDK Dev Kit and I'm trying to use v65 toolchain.


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