Forums - Global array in capiv2 wrapper

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Global array in capiv2 wrapper
Join Date: 16 Oct 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-05 02:00


I am Using Hexagon SDK 3.1 to develop capiv2 wrapper for an audio application

As a part of the wrapper code, I would like to define a global array inside the source file of the capiv2  application wrapper.

When I tried declaring the array as a global variable, with and without static keyword, the application unit test crashes with error:

misaligned PC


If the buffer is defined inside the  capi_v2_process( ) function of the application, it does not crash. But not sure if this would allow the values stored in it to persist between two calls of capi_v2_process function?

Can someone let know as to how to use a global buffer in the capiv2 wrapper - Size of the buffer not more than 8192 bytes.

Would like to understand how can we define a global buffer , to allow persistence of the data stored in it, between subsequent capi_v2_process( ) function calls.



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