Forums - snpe1.15 dlc failed on QCS605 with error_code=101

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snpe1.15 dlc failed on QCS605 with error_code=101
Join Date: 11 Sep 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2018-09-15 01:00
Hi, Dear,
The android version is 8.1.0 with the kernel update to 20180405 and the SDK version is 27. SNPE 1.15.0  
The error on the adb windows of the host pc is as following:
The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=101; error_message=Invalid parameter in user config. Attempted to set a neural network configuration option DSP that is not 
supported on this platform.; error_component=System Configuration; line_no=118; thread_id=-380439388
1, I have checked all the info of adsp path, it is ok with the right path and the right lib files in the right place.
My dlc files have worked well on the 820 platform(which is MSM8996) with Android 4.X.
2, I followed the tutorial strictly, but I did not find three lib files called,
and, I do not know if it is the root cause about the error?
Could the dear Qualcomm supports and snpe experts help me ,even just some advice is very helpfull? 
Best Regards
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