Forums - FastCV for Windows on ARM

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FastCV for Windows on ARM
Join Date: 30 Jun 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-04-01 00:55


I know that FastCV supports only Android OS but it seems to have supported WinRT previously according to some past posts here.

I would like to know whether there is a FastCV version that supports Windows on ARM. If not, I also would like to know whether Windows on ARM will be supported in the near future.

Currently I am developing a computer vision app for MS Hololens 2, which incorporates Snapdragon 850 CPU and Adreno 630 GPU, and I want to  pull every performance from the hardware. I found SDKs such as FastCV, Hexagon SDK, Adreno SDK, and etc...  but all seem to support only Android OS, which is quite disappointing.



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