Forums - parameter of fcvDescriptor17x17u8to36s8

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parameter of fcvDescriptor17x17u8to36s8
Join Date: 17 Aug 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2016-08-28 02:46

Hello, i'm learning fastcv, i build featureDetect of example project, it's really fast on mobile!

So I add fcvdescripotr17x17u8to36s8 function, and I rebuild featureDetect of example project.

But I got zeros for second, third for parameter of fcvdescripotr17x17u8to36s8

I define descriptorChar and descriptorNormSQ of Cornerstate structure below

int8_t * descriptorChar;

int32_t * descriptorNormSQ;

fcvDescriptor17x17u8To36s8((uint8_t *), cornerstate.descriptorChar, conerstate.descriptorNormSQ);

The patch is 17x17px cropping image around corner point, isn't it?

Why I got zeros ? anyone help me! Thanks

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