Forums - Documentation of GPU performance counters

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Documentation of GPU performance counters
Join Date: 20 Jun 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2023-10-29 09:33
Hi Where could I find more information about the GPU performance counters? ( Right now I need to guess their meaning from the name... but that's very limited information :-) For example I assume SP_BUSY_CYCLES counts the cycles the SP (stream processor) is busy... however this seems to be a much higher number then the clock speed. Is it because there are multiple stream processors and the number is the sum from all of them? How does SP_BUSY_CYCLES and SP_ALU_WORKING_CYCLES relate? Does all SP_ALU_WORKING_CYCLES count as busy cycles, so to get the load, can I use the SP_BUSY_CYCLES / SP_BUSY_CYCLES ratio? How to compute the stall %? Is it (SP_STALL_CYCLES_VPC + SP_STALL_CYCLES_TP + SP_STALL_CYCLES_UCHE + SP_STALL_CYCLES_RB) / SP_BUSY_CYCLES? ... etc ...
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