Forums - GL_QCOM_motion_estimation is much slower than advertised

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GL_QCOM_motion_estimation is much slower than advertised
Join Date: 5 Sep 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-09-12 15:24


I am using the GL_QCOM_motion_estimation on a Meta Quest 2 and the performance seems way off.

My input images are 1440x1584 (Quest 2 base resolution), and I am measuring 10ms of time spent in the estimator for each. The Quest 2 performance tools also confirms this number.

Per Qualcomm's own blog post: Improving VR performance using motion estimation OpenGL Extensions (

For typical VR frame resolutions, the motion vectors can often be generated in under 1ms for both eyes, allowing the vectors to be created on-demand. 

The number I am seeing is 20 times off!

I reduced resolution to 720x792, and I now see 2ms in the estimator (so 4ms for both eyes), which is unfortunately quite low resolution and not really usable.

Am I doing something wrong to cause such low performance? Are the numbers in your blog post erroneous?



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