Forums - Artefacts when using texelFetch and textureGrad on Adreno 610 and 618

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Artefacts when using texelFetch and textureGrad on Adreno 610 and 618
Join Date: 4 Jul 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-07-04 05:36

I'm Gustav and I work for the PlayCanvas team at Snap Inc. We have been debugging an issue for some time now and have come to the conclusion that the texelFetch and textureGrad operations fail on some devices with Adreno 610 or Adreno 618 GPUs. It may look like this:


We have a thread to the topic and produce multiple ways to reproduce the issue here:

By process of elimination, we found that replacing textureGrad with a normal texture2D call, and converting texelFetch to use texture2D with normalized coordinates fixed the issues we were seeing.

It doesn't seem to be an issue with the Android version, neither with the browser, seeing as the same issue happens with different browsers and multiple versions of Android. 

Some of the devices that produce this issue are:

  1. Samsung A52
  2. Xaomi Redmi Note 8
  3. Xaomi Redmi Note 11

I haven't been able to confirm this happens on all Adreno 618 or 610 devices, but it seems consistent.


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