Forums - troubles using the glsl barrier() function in a vulkan compute shader

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troubles using the glsl barrier() function in a vulkan compute shader
Join Date: 7 Aug 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2019-10-22 07:41


I am developping a rendering application using vulkan on a Adreno 630 GPU (the platform is SDM845)

I tried using a compute shader to pre-process some of my attachments, but I have trouble using the barrier() function to synchronize my threads.

Anywhere I add the "barrier();" instruction, It makes my application crash.

I compile the glsl code using glslangvalidator to generate spir-v code for my compute shader.

the version of glslangvalidator  I use is:

glslangvalidator -v
Glslang Version: 7.11.3113
ESSL Version: OpenGL ES GLSL 3.20 glslang Khronos. 11.3113
GLSL Version: 4.60 glslang Khronos. 11.3113
SPIR-V Version 0x00010300, Revision 6
GLSL.std.450 Version 100, Revision 1
Khronos Tool ID 8
SPIR-V Generator Version 7
GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl version 100
ARB_GL_gl_spirv version 100
My shader code starts with:
#version 460
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable

Even if I start the main function with the barrier(); instruction, it makes my application crash:

void main()
    // Pixel coordinates

    uint rgbColIndex, rgbRowIndex;


*** my code ***



Are there some prerequisits before being able to use that barrier() function?





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