Forums - Adreno driver crash in Vulkan when VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED is used for a resolve attachment of a multipass renderpass

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Adreno driver crash in Vulkan when VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED is used for a resolve attachment of a multipass renderpass
Join Date: 26 Sep 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2019-02-22 00:52

When creating a Vulkan render pass with multiple subpasses, if the pResolveAttachments element of a VkSubpassDescription is non-NULL and uses VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED, the driver will crash when trying to create a framebuffer for that render pass with vkCreateFramebuffer().


For one of my testers, I had the following render pass configuration (indices are 1-based to work with the list numbers):


  1. window's render surface
  2. color buffer
  3. depth buffer
  4. color buffer
  5. depth buffer
  6. color buffer
  7. depth buffer


  1. Color attachment 2 and depth attachment 3. (renders the red channel)
  2. Color attachment 4 and depth attachment 5. (renders the green channel)
  3. Color attachment 6 and depth attachment 7. (renders the blue channel)
  4. Color attachment 0 and no depth attachment. Takes color attachments 2, 4, and 6 as inputs. (combines the 3 channels to the final image)


In all cases, pResolveAttachments is non-NULL and uses VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED to indicate that there's no resolve. When calling vkCreateFramebuffer() to create the framebuffer for the render pass it crashes, but if I instead pass NULL for pResolveAttachments it works as expected. This tester has run on multiple other platforms without issue.


In this example it's equivalent to pass NULL as using VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED, however I'd imagine that if you're drawing to multiple color targets at once and some are resolved while others aren't it would be impossible to avoid the crash.

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