Forums - CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY at clBuildProgram

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CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY at clBuildProgram
Join Date: 26 Jan 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2017-02-23 06:33


I trying to debug a problem in my OpenCL kernel using the "-cl-opt-disable" option for clBuildProgram because I have a suspicion that compiler optimized my code in a bad way. But the problem is that if i try to compile it with "-cl-opt-disable" I always get error code -6 CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY.

I'm using OpenQ820 kit with Adreno 530, Android N and 3GB of memory in total.

Native binary executable is cross-compiled but the CL kernel is compiled at run-time on the kit. The optimized version (for test purposes workgroup size was only 2x2x1) used 4072B of local mem/workgroup and 936B of private memory/work-item.

Does this error really mean that I dont have enought host memory or does it have something to do with kernel being too long/complex. I even tried adding 32GB swap partition on SD card but the result was always the same.


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