Forums - FAQ: Reply Devalapuram, Sriram Sending custom message from one service to another service

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FAQ: Reply Devalapuram, Sriram Sending custom message from one service to another service
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:36
To send a custom message from one service to another service code changes are required in both the services.

As an example consider sending a custom message from VoiceProcTxSvc to VoiceProcRxSvc to enable loopback between them.

Detailed description of code changes: code changes can be found in bold font.

1. Create a payload structure

Create a payload structure as shown below in <ROOT>\elite\common\VoiceCmnUtils\inc\VoiceMsgs.h
This can be done using any other payload structure as reference. All the elements are same except the new parameter loop_back_enable.
/** Payload structure for enabling loopback mode between VpTx and VpRx using an API in VpTx */
typedef struct
qurt_elite_queue_t *pBufferReturnQ;
/**< This is the queue to which this payload buffer needs to be returned*/
qurt_elite_queue_t *pResponseQ;
/**< This is the queue to send the ACK to. NULL indicates no response is required*/
uint32_t unClientToken;
/**< Token that should be given in the ACK. This is different than the unResponeResult and can be used to identify who send the ACK back by the server. */
uint32_t unResponseResult;
/**< This is to be filled with ACK results by the client. */
uint32_t sec_opcode;
/**< This is the secondary opcode indicating the format for the rest of payload For this type, sec_opcode == VOICEPROCRX_SET_LOOPBACK */
uint32_t loop_back_enable;
/**< Enable/disable loopback 0 - Disable, 1- - Enable */
} elite_msg_custom_voc_loopback_enable;

2. Add a new custom message command

Add a new custom message command in vprx_custom_msgs_t to handle it by the VoiceProcrxSvc.
Update <ROOT>\elite\dynamic_svcs\VoiceProcRxSvc\inc\VoiceProcRxSvc.h
/** Enumerations for custom messages supported by this service
typedef enum
/**< Connect to downstream peer */
/**< Disconnect from downstream peer */
/**< Reconfigure to a new topology/sampling rate */
/**< Move to run state and start processing data */
/**< Move to stop state and stop processing data */
/**< Set a parameter */
/**< Get a parameter */
/**< Destroy the service instance */
/**< Control mute/unmute */
/**< Configure Host PCM */
/**< Set timing parameters */
/**< Set loopback flag */
/**< Number of supported message */
} vprx_custom_msgs_t;

3. Include file

Include the VoiceProcRxSvc.h file in <ROOT>\elite\dynamic_svc\VoiceProcTxSvc\src\Vptx_Svc.cpp to send new custom command VOICEPROCRX_SET_LOOPBACK_CMD from VoiceProcTxSvc to VoiceProcRxSvc
/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
#include "Vptx_Svc.h"
#include "VoiceProcRx.h"

4. Add a new API

Add a new API in <ROOT>\elite\dynamic_svcs\VoiceProcRxSvc\src\Vprx_Svc.cpp file to handle the new custom command sent from VoiceProcTxSvc and define it according to the requirement.

4.1 Declare new API

static ADSPResult vprx_custom_msg(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);
static ADSPResult vprx_set_mute_cmd(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);
static ADSPResult vprx_set_timing_cmd(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);
static ADSPResult vprx_set_loopback_cmd(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);
static ADSPResult vprx_config_host_pcm(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);
static ADSPResult vprx_apr_cmd(void* pInstance, elite_msg_any_t* pMsg);

4.2 Define new API to handle custom message command

Here the new API will enable the loopback flag in VoiceProcRxSvc.
static ADSPResult vprx_set_loopback_cmd(void* pInstance,
elite_msg_any_t* pMsg)
ADSPResult nResult = ADSP_EOK;
vprx_t* pVprx = (vprx_t*)pInstance;
elite_msg_custom_voc_loopback_enable *pSetLoopbackCmd = (elite_msg_custom_voc_loopback_enable *) pMsg->pPayload;
if(pVprx != NULL)
pVprx->loopback_enable_flag = pSetLoopbackCmd->loop_back_enable;
MSG_1(MSG_SSID_QDSP6, DBG_ERROR_PRIO, "VpRx Failed To Set The Loopback Flag session(%lx)",pVprx->session_num);
elite_svc_send_ack(pMsg, ADSP_EBUSY);
return nResult;

5. Update the message handler for VoiceProcRxSvc

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
** Message handler
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static elite_svc_msg_handler_func pHandler[VOICEPROCRX_NUM_MSGS] =
vprx_connect_dwn_stream_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_CONNECT_DWN_STREAM_CMD
vprx_re_config_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_RECONFIG_CMD
vprx_run_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_OPEN_CMD
vprx_set_param_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_SET_PARAM_CMD
vprx_get_param_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_GET_PARAM_CMD
vprx_destroy_yourself_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_DESTROY_YOURSELF_CMD
vprx_set_mute_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_SET_MUTE_CMD
vprx_config_host_pcm, // - VOICEPROCRX_CONFIG_HOST_PCM
vprx_set_timing_cmd, // - VOICEPROCRX_SET_TIMING_CMD
vprx_set_loopback_cmd // - VOICEPROCRX_SET_LOOPBACK_CMD





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