Forums - FastCV Sample Project build errors using Eclipse

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FastCV Sample Project build errors using Eclipse
Join Date: 23 Oct 13
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2013-11-07 09:06

I'm trying to build one of the samples from fastCV. Here is the build errors I get:

"size_t could not be resolved"; and "field corners could not be resolved"; 

 for "memcpy( state.alignedImgBuf, jimgData, w*h*3/2 )" all it says is "invalid arguments";

for the method "drawCorners( state.corners, state.numCorners )" I get another invalid arguments error,

Does anyone know what is going on here? I get no other errors. I have not edited these files. This is the code that came with the samples when I downloaded fastCV.

Here are the steps I took to setup Eclipse:

Tried following the directions, and they only went so far. I was still getting a lot of unrecognized errors for the C++ code. So I right clicked on the project, went to properties, clicked on C/C++ General, then Paths and Symbols. On the Paths and Symbols screen, I clicked the GNU C++ text, and then I pressed the Add button. I then told it to add the files from my android-ndk-r9/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include. That got right of 99% of the errors, except for the ones I listed above.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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