Forums - Documentation on OMX AVC encoder's capabilities per MSM platform

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Documentation on OMX AVC encoder's capabilities per MSM platform
Join Date: 10 Feb 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2014-03-14 10:56


I'm working on an H.264 encoding application on the MSM8974 platform (Nexus 5) and configuring parameters in OMX via the OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCTYPE structure.

I've read the OMX_Video.h header descriptions, but I'm pretty sure the OMX component (hardware encoder) has constraints beyond what the header implies; for example nRefFrames in the H.264 standard (and in the header) suggests 1 thru 16, but it appears the encoder actually maxes out at 2.

I'd like to apprach this from a documentation perspective if such documentation is available to developers. 

Any leads appreciated!







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