Forums - FAQ: Trace32 configuration for 8974

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FAQ: Trace32 configuration for 8974
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 17:55
Beginning with LT120711 (July 11, 2012), Trace32 uses the new (and final) way of specifying HexagonV5. The cmm script now needs to specify simply HexagonV5, rather than HexagonV5H, HexagonV5A, HexagonV5L, HexagonV5A_128, etc. After connecting to the target, Trace32 will look at the Hexagon REV register to determine the variation of V5.
SYS.CPU HexagonV5
The other cmm command, which tells T32 to connect to an already-running Hexagon simulator, is unchanged:
SYS.MCDCONFIG arch=v5 hostname=<hostname> port=<num>
However, when telling T32 to start a new Hexagon simulator, the variation is important only if the user needs a specific variation. All of the following are valid for all Hexagon Tools Releases 5.0.xx:
SYS.MCDCONFIG arch=v5 simargs=<simulator_args>
SYS.MCDCONFIG arch=v5h simargs=<simulator_args>
SYS.MCDCONFIG arch=v5a simargs=<simulator_args>
SYS.MCDCONFIG arch=v5l simargs=<simulator_args>
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