Forums - Improving Performance on aDSP

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Improving Performance on aDSP
Join Date: 21 Jul 14
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2014-07-25 06:19


I’m trying to unload some computations onto the aDSP from the main program but am experiencing a massive performance hit (in terms of time) when running computations on the aDSP  when compared to the main processor. I understand that this is because the aDSP trades off clock speed for better performance in other areas but I do not have the knowhow to take advantage of this. This is the code I’m running:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <HAP_farf.h>
#include <video.h>

int video_histogram(const unsigned char* frame,int arrayLength, unsigned int* histarray, int histarrayLength){

int ii;
unsigned short pixelmag;//stores pixel magnitude

for (ii=0; ii<(arrayLength/2); ii++){ //increment through all pixels to fill histarray
pixelmag= frame[2*ii] + (frame[2*ii+1]*256); //convert 2 bytes to unsigned short
return 0;

If anyone can give me some tips or even just point me in the direction of some documentation on the subject It would be very much appreciated!

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