Forums - FAQ: Run time Module Profiling/Function Profiling

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FAQ: Run time Module Profiling/Function Profiling
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:33

§ APIs for profiling a module or function

§ qurt_get_core_pcycles()

§ Returns the total number of Pcycles elapsed since bootup

§ This helps to get the total execution time of the module with the help of the running clock

§ Below example shows usage of this API

§ qurt_profile_get_thread_pcycles()

§ Gets tcycle that current thread has consumed; excludes context switches to other software threads

§ Helps to get exact cycles required by this module and MCPS of software thread

§ See the example code below for profiling the process() call of a custom audio module



uint64_t prof_cycles=0;

prof_cycles =qurt_profile_get_thread_pcycles();


/* Begin primary processing */

result = module_ptr->vtbl_ptr->process(module_ptr,





/* Diff Current Cycle State against previosly acquired to

check Cycles elapsed */

prof_cycles = qurt_profile_get_thread_pcycles() - prof_cycles;


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